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Ivy League Admissions: Why Profile Building Matters

Profile Building for Ivy League Admissions

Getting into an Ivy League university is more than just a dream—it’s a strategic journey. In today’s hyper-competitive world, grades and test scores alone aren’t enough. Ivy League universities are looking for more than academic excellence—they want thinkers, innovators, and change-makers. They value students who bring unique stories, diverse experiences, and demonstrated potential to their […]

How Important is the SAT for Ivy League Admissions? | IMFS

SAT for IVY league University Admissions

Getting into an Ivy League university—like Harvard, Yale, Princeton, or Columbia—requires smart strategies, hard work, and a well-rounded profile. For Indian students, one big question often comes up: Does the SAT still matter for Ivy League admissions? If so, how important is the SAT for Ivy League admissions? What Role Does the SAT Play in […]