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GRE Verbal: Beyond Vocabulary Drills – A Comprehensive Guide

For students who aspire to graduate school, obtaining a high score on the GRE Verbal section is vital to gaining acceptance to their desired programs. However, figuring out how to achieve such a score can be daunting. This article offers a framework for success and specific, highly effective strategies for mastering the GRE Verbal sections. Whether starting your Verbal study or needing to improve your score, this guide provides practical strategies to conquer the GRE Verbal beyond memorizing vocabulary. Despite popular belief, the GRE Verbal section requires a broader range of skills; this guide delves into those strategies.

Untimed Practice: Deconstructing the Passages

Many students jump straight into timed practice, hindering their progress. Effective GRE Verbal prep requires untimed practice, allowing you to analyse questions deeply. This means:

· Identifying Key Aspects: Pinpoint critical elements, whether a Reading Comprehension passage or a Text Completion question. How do sentences relate to each other? Does the author build a case with supporting evidence? Recognizing these structures equips you to find the correct answer.

· Unmasking Wrong Answer Choices: The GRE employs specific traps to lure test-takers. Analyse answer choices to identify patterns. For instance, Sentence Equivalence and Text Completion questions often contain antonyms of the required word. Eliminate choices that go in the opposite direction of a plausible answer.

· Considering Context: Don’t rely solely on word definitions. Context is paramount. Even with limited vocabulary knowledge, the context surrounding a blank or a word to be defined can guide you toward the correct answer.

Sharpening Your Skills: Active Reading and Beyond

· Read High-Quality Publications: Read reputable newspapers and magazines like The Economist, The Atlantic, or The New York Times to expose yourself to writing styles like those on the GRE. This will broaden your vocabulary and hone your ability to grasp complex arguments and diverse perspectives, both of which are tested in the GRE Verbal section.

· Practice Identifying Key Elements in Articles: Just as you analyse GRE passages, dissect articles you read. What is the author’s tone? Is an argument being presented or countered? What is the main point and conclusion? These skills strengthen your critical reading abilities.

Building a Strong Vocabulary: Effective Techniques

Mastering vocabulary is crucial for the GRE Verbal. Here are some tactics for efficient and engaging learning.

1. If you’re looking for effective ways to improve your vocabulary, you might want to try using flashcards. Flashcards are a simple yet powerful tool that can help you memorize new words and their definitions. You can create physical flashcards by writing the words and definitions on index cards, or you can use digital flashcards by downloading a flashcard app on your smartphone or tablet.

2. Once you have your flashcards, shuffle them and quiz yourself regularly. This will help you to retain the information and reinforce your knowledge. You can start by going through the cards individually and trying to remember the definition of each word. As you become more comfortable with the words, you can switch to a more challenging mode by flipping the cards and trying to guess the word based on the definition.

3. Another effective way to improve your vocabulary is to write original sentences using the words you’re trying to learn. This can help you better understand and remember the meaning of the words. Your sentences don’t need to be complex or formal; they can be humorous, personal, or even silly. The key is to use the words in context so you can see how they are used in real-life situations.

There are four key strategies that you can follow to achieve a high score in GRE Verbal.

1. Practice untimed to improve your ability to analyse questions, passages, and answer choices.

2. Read high-quality publications to enhance your reading and vocabulary skills.

3. Use effective methods to learn new vocabulary words conducive to GRE Verbal performance.

4. Analyse your mistakes to identify and address your exact weaknesses.

If you’re looking to accomplish your objectives and enhance your Verbal score in graduate school, it’s essential to implement the following strategies and remain consistent in your efforts. It’s crucial to understand that achieving success requires dedication, hard work, and a willingness to learn and grow personally. Make sure to set realistic goals for yourself and create a plan of action to reach them. This may involve practicing daily, seeking feedback and guidance from instructors or peers, and reviewing and analysing your mistakes to improve. Always keep an open mind, be willing to learn from your failures, and stay motivated despite any setbacks or obstacles you may encounter. By staying focused, committed, and diligent, you can achieve your desired outcomes and excel in your graduate studies.

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Rescheduling GRE Exam: Your Ultimate Guide for 2024!

Are you gearing up for the GRE exam but hit a snag in your plans? Don’t sweat it! Life throws curveballs, and we’ve got your back with the lowdown on rescheduling or canceling your GRE test.

Every year, hordes of students flock to the GRE to pave their path to prestigious universities abroad. The GRE can be your ticket to your dream academic destination, but what if life gets in the way? Fear not! We’ve got the scoop on how to navigate the rescheduling game without breaking a sweat.

Enter IMFS – your trusty sidekick in the world of standardized tests. Yep, you heard that right, no more confusion here! Now, let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of GRE rescheduling and cancellation.

So, picture this: you’ve diligently prepared for the GRE, but alas, a sudden hiccup threatens to derail your plans. Fear not, friend! IMFS has your back with its nifty rescheduling feature. With just a few clicks and a $50 fee, you can kiss those scheduling woes goodbye.

But hold up, how does one go about this magical feat of rescheduling? Fear not, we’ve broken it down into six simple steps:

Step 1: Log into the ETS official website – your gateway to GRE greatness.

Step 2: Navigate to the Upcoming Test section and choose the Reschedule option.

Step 3: Select your new test date and time, and if you’re feeling adventurous, switch up your test center too.

Step 4: Verify your new dates and hit that Register button.

Step 5: Double-check all your details and confirm your rescheduled exam.

Step 6: Pay the necessary fees, and voilà! You’re all set for your new GRE adventure.

But hey, what if GRE isn’t your cup of tea anymore? Don’t fret! IMFS has got you covered on the cancellation front too. Just follow these three simple steps:

Step 1: Log in to the ETS official website.

Step 2: Head to the My Account section and click on Upcoming Test, then choose the Cancellation option.

Step 3: Hit that ‘confirm cancellation’ button, and you’re done!

Easy peasy, right? But wait, there’s more! IMFS offers multiple avenues for rescheduling your GRE exam – because let’s face it, life happens. Whether you prefer snail mail, fax, or a good old-fashioned phone call, ETS has got you covered.

Prefer the traditional route? You can mail your rescheduling request along with the necessary details and fees to the ETS address provided. And if you’re all about that instant gratification, hop on the phone and dial up ETS during business hours – we’ll sort you out in no time.

Now, let’s talk money. Rescheduling or canceling your GRE exam comes with a price tag. The rescheduling fee varies depending on your location, but fret not, we’ve got the deets on that too. And remember, if you’re eyeing that refund, make sure to cancel at least four days before your test date.

But hey, why go through this journey alone when you can have IMFS by your side? With IMFS’s GRE Prep platform, you’ll have access to a treasure trove of resources – from mock tests to personalized study schedules, we’ve got everything you need to ace the GRE with flying colors.

So, whether you’re rescheduling, canceling, or gearing up to conquer the GRE, remember – IMFS has your back every step of the way. Don’t let a bump in the road derail your dreams – with IMFS, the sky’s the limit!

Rescheduling GRE Exam: Your Ultimate Guide for 2024! Read More »

Get Ready for the New GRE Format with IMFS!

Get Ready for the New GRE Format with IMFS!

Hey there, aspiring students!

We at the Institute of Management and Foreign Studies (IMFS) are excited to bring you the latest information on the updated GRE format. As your trusted advisors, we’re here to help you navigate these changes and equip you with the necessary knowledge to ace the test. This blog post breaks down the updates, provides helpful insights, and includes easy-to-read charts so you can be fully prepared for your exam.

Keep Calm: Familiar Features Are Here to Stay!

First and foremost, let’s address any concerns you might have. While the GRE format has changed, many of the features you’re used to will remain:

  • You can still skip around within a section.
  • You can still flag questions for review.
  • You can still edit previous answers.
  • You still have access to an on-screen calculator for the Quantitative Reasoning sections.
  • Testing accommodations are still available for those who need them.

IMFS Advice: Don’t stress! You still have the flexibility to skip, flag, and edit questions, plus you’ll have an on-screen calculator for Quant sections.

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The pattern of the New GRE

Total Time: 1 hour, 58 minutes

The new GRE effectively gives you 1.74 minutes per question in Quantitative Reasoning and 1.52 minutes per question in Verbal Reasoning.

This is great news since you had 1.75 minutes per quant question and 1.50 minutes per question in verbal in the older version of the GRE.

Shorter GRE Test Time – An Advantage for You!

The reduced test time is one of the most significant changes to the GRE format. The previous GRE version lasted 3 hours and 45 minutes, but the new GRE is just 1 hour and 58 minutes. Less time in the test center means less fatigue and a more focused test-taking experience.

Note that while the older GRE included a 10-minute break, the new GRE does not. However, a break may not be as necessary with the shorter testing time. If you need breaks for medical reasons, don’t worry! You can still apply for accommodations.

IMFS Advice: Use the reduced test time to your advantage! Stay focused throughout the shorter exam and capitalize on the opportunity to perform at your best.

Reduced Number of Questions – Focus on Quality!

The new GRE has fewer questions overall. With 46 fewer questions in the Quantitative and Verbal Reasoning sections, you can focus more on the quality of your answers rather than the quantity.

The older GRE had 100 questions (80 scored Quant and Verbal, and 20 unscored). The new GRE has only 54 questions and no unscored section. Additionally, there’s only one essay question instead of two.

The average time per question in each section remains unchanged. You still have around 1 minute and 45 seconds for each Quant question and approximately 1 minute and 30 seconds for each Verbal question.

IMFS Advice: Focus on the quality of your answers. With fewer questions to tackle, use the available time wisely to ensure accuracy and thoughtful responses.

No Unscored Section – Every Section Counts!

The new GRE has no unscored section, eliminating the uncertainty of the previous GRE format. Now, you have just 2 Quant sections and 2 Verbal sections, and you can be confident that every section counts towards your score.

IMFS Advice: Knowing that every section counts towards your score, give each section your total effort and best performance.

Only One Essay Task – Put Your Best Foot Forward!

The new GRE has only one essay task in the Analytical Writing section, reducing the section’s time from 1 hour to 30 minutes. The remaining task, Analyze an Issue, requires you to respond to an opinion statement following the instructions.

IMFS Advice: Dedicate time to prepare for the Analyze an Issue essay. Practice responding to different prompts, developing clear arguments, and providing well-thought-out evidence.

Are GRE Scores Changing? – Understand the Scoring System!

The GRE score scales remain the same, ensuring consistency in evaluating applicants, regardless of which GRE version they took.

The great news is that your official GRE scores will now be available more quickly, posted to your ets.org account 8 to 10 days after your test instead of 10 to 15 days.

IMFS Advice: Plan your test date carefully, considering the faster score availability. Make sure you leave enough time to meet your application deadlines.

We hope this blog post has provided valuable insights into the new GRE format. At IMFS, we’re committed to supporting you every step of the way. Happy studying, and best of luck on your exam!

Get Ready for the New GRE Format with IMFS! Read More »

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